10 Duties of A Responsible Cat Owner At Home
Cats are adorable and precious pet animals. They have a perfect relationship and companionship with their owners. As a...
Ear Infection in Cats: Types, Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment
An ear infection in cats is an ear canal inflammation caused by various factors, including bacteria, yeast, ear mites,...
Liver Failure in Cats: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Liver failure in cats, also known as hepatic failure, is a severe condition in which the liver loses its...
Feline Scabies: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Feline scabies, or notoedric mange, is a highly contagious skin disease caused by the mite Notoedres cati. This parasitic...
What is Metagenomics? Key Concepts and Applications
Metagenomics is a field of study that involves the analysis of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. Unlike...
Bioelectrochemistry: Key Concepts and Potential Application
Bioelectrochemistry is a branch of science that combines principles of biochemistry and electrochemistry to study the interaction of biological...
Biosensing Technology: Principles and Potential Uses in Vet Field
Biosensing technology operates based on the principles of detecting and measuring specific biological interactions between a bioreceptor and an...
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism: Types and Application
RFLP stands for Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. It is a molecular biology technique that exploits variations in DNA sequences...
What is RNA Editing: Types and Application of RNA Editing
RNA editing is a post-transcriptional modification process that alters the nucleotide sequence of RNA molecules. This leads to changes...
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST): Types and Features
BLAST, which stands for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, is a commonly used software tool and algorithm for comparing...
Microbial Genetic Engineering: Application and Concepts
Microbial genetic engineering, or genetic modification or recombinant DNA technology, involves manipulating the genetic material of microorganisms such as...
What is Biosensor? Scope and Application of Biosensors
A biosensor is an analytical device that combines a biological sensing element with a transducer to detect and measure...