HomeCatCat Asthma: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Cat Asthma: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Cat asthma, also known as feline asthma or feline allergic bronchitis, is a chronic respiratory condition that affects cats. It is characterized by inflammation and constriction of the airways, leading to difficulty breathing.

Causes of Feline Asthma

The exact causes of feline asthma are not fully understood, but it is believed to be an allergic reaction to specific inhaled allergens. When a susceptible individual comes into contact with these triggers, it leads to inflammation and constriction of the airways, causing asthma symptoms. Here are some common triggers and factors that can contribute to feline asthma:

  • Allergens: Inhalation of allergens is a common trigger for asthma in cats. These allergens include pollen, dust mites, mold spores, cigarette smoke, perfumes, cleaning chemicals, and aerosol sprays.
  • Environmental Factors: Cats living in environments with poor air quality, high humidity, or exposure to irritants are more prone to developing asthma. Airborne pollutants, such as dust, dander, and chemicals, can worsen the condition.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Certain breeds of cats, such as Siamese, Himalayan, and Persians, may have a higher risk of developing asthma. A genetic component may make some cats more susceptible to allergic reactions and airway inflammation.
  • Stress: Stress can potentially trigger or exacerbate asthma symptoms in cats. Environmental changes, anxiety, or other stressful situations can contribute to the development or worsening of asthma.
  • Obesity: Obesity has been identified as a potential risk factor for feline asthma. The additional weight can pressure the airways and make breathing more difficult.

Cat Asthma

Risk Factors of Cat Asthma

Several risk factors can increase the likelihood of a cat developing asthma. While not all cats with these risk factors will develop asthma, they are essential when assessing the potential risk. Here are some common risk factors associated with cat asthma:

  • Breed: Certain cat breeds have a higher predisposition to developing asthma. Breeds such as Siamese, Himalayan, and Persians are known to be more prone to respiratory issues, including asthma.
  • Age: Asthma can affect cats of any age, but it is more commonly diagnosed in cats between the ages of 2 and 8.
  • Allergies: Cats with existing allergies, such as food allergies or atopic dermatitis, may have a higher risk of developing asthma. Allergies indicate an overactive immune system, which can contribute to respiratory inflammation and asthma.
  • Environmental Factors: Cats living in environments with poor air quality, high dust levels, or exposure to irritants are at an increased risk. Factors such as cigarette smoke, dusty homes, or living in urban areas with high pollution levels can contribute to the development of asthma.
  • Obesity in Cats: Obesity has been connected to an increased risk of asthma in cats. The excess weight can pressure the airways, making breathing more difficult and increasing the likelihood of developing respiratory issues.
  • Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Cats exposed to secondhand smoke are more susceptible to respiratory problems, including asthma. The chemicals and irritants present in cigarette smoke can irritate the airways and contribute to inflammation.
  • Stress: Chronic or repeated exposure to stressful situations may increase cats’ asthma risk. Stress can reduce the immune system and make the respiratory system more vulnerable to inflammation and asthma attacks.

Transmission of Feline Asthma

Feline asthma is not a contagious condition that can be directly transmitted from one cat to another. It is primarily an allergic reaction and inflammatory response within a cat’s respiratory system. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about other cats contracting asthma from an affected cat.

However, it’s worth noting that multiple cats within the same household can develop asthma independently if they have similar genetic predispositions, are exposed to the same allergens or environmental triggers, or share a common living space with poor air quality. In these cases, it’s essential to monitor all cats in the household for any signs or symptoms of asthma and take appropriate measures to manage their respiratory health.

Clinical Signs of Cat Asthma

Cat asthma can manifest with various clinical signs, varying in severity from mild to severe. Here are some common clinical signs associated with feline asthma:

  • Coughing: Persistent or episodic coughing is one of the hallmark signs of asthma in cats. The cough is typically dry and hacking, resembling a “hairball cough.” It may occur in bouts and can be accompanied by gagging or retching.
  • Wheezing: Wheezing is a high-pitched, whistling sound that occurs during breathing. The constriction of the airways causes it and is often audible, especially during exhaling. Wheezing may be more noticeable after physical activity or during an asthma attack.
  • Labored Breathing: Cats with asthma may exhibit increased effort in breathing, with a rapid respiratory rate. They may have difficulty taking deep breaths, and their breathing may be shallow or accompanied by abdominal movement. Open-mouth breathing, where the cat breathes with its mouth open, can also occur during severe asthma episodes.
  • Panting: Panting, which is rapid and shallow breathing with the mouth open, can be observed in some cats during asthma attacks. It is a sign of significant respiratory distress and should be taken seriously.
  • Lethargy: Cats with asthma may become lethargic and show a reduced interest in physical activity or play. They may spend more time resting or sleeping due to respiratory discomfort and decreased energy levels.
  • Loss of Appetite: Asthma can cause a decrease in appetite in some cats. They may show a reduced interest in eating or eat less due to respiratory distress and discomfort.
  • Crouched Posture: Cats experiencing an asthma attack may assume a crouched or hunched posture to aid breathing. This position helps them expand their chest and breathe more effectively.
  • Cyanosis: In severe cases of asthma or during a severe asthma attack, cats may exhibit cyanosis, a bluish discoloration of the lips, gums, or tongue. Cyanosis indicates a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream and is a medical emergency requiring immediate veterinary attention.

Diagnosis of Feline Asthma

The diagnosis of feline asthma involves a combination of clinical signs, medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Here are the typical steps involved in diagnosing feline asthma:

  • Veterinary Consultation: If you suspect your cat has asthma or respiratory issues, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian. Please provide them with a detailed history of your cat’s symptoms, including the frequency, duration, and any triggering factors you have observed.
  • Physical Examination: The veterinarian will thoroughly examine your cat, listening to their lungs and assessing their overall respiratory health. They may also evaluate your cat’s general health and look for any other concurrent medical conditions.
  • Radiographs (X-rays): Chest X-rays are commonly used to evaluate the lungs and airways for signs of inflammation, bronchial constriction, or other abnormalities. In cats with asthma, X-rays may reveal a characteristic pattern known as “bronchial pulmonary pattern,” which indicates inflammation and thickening of the airway walls.
  • Bronchoscopy: In some cases, a veterinarian may recommend a bronchoscopy, which involves passing a thin, flexible tube with a camera (bronchoscope) through the airways to visualize the respiratory tract directly. This procedure allows for a more detailed evaluation of the airways and collection of samples for further analysis.
  • Laboratory Tests: Blood tests may be conducted to assess general health, rule out other underlying conditions, and evaluate the cat’s immune response. These tests can include a complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry panel, and assessment of allergen-specific antibodies.
  • Response to Treatment: The veterinarian may perform a therapeutic trial if the clinical signs and diagnostic tests strongly suggest feline asthma. They may prescribe medications commonly used to treat asthma and assess the cat’s response. If there is a positive response to treatment, it further supports the diagnosis of asthma.

Differential Diagnosis of Cat Asthma

When diagnosing cat asthma, it’s essential to consider other potential respiratory conditions that may present with similar clinical signs. Here are some common conditions that could be included in the differential diagnosis for cat asthma:

  • Heart Disease: Heart conditions, such as congestive heart failure or heartworm disease, can cause coughing, difficulty breathing, and other respiratory symptoms that resemble asthma. Diagnostic tests such as echocardiography or cardiac biomarker evaluation can help differentiate between heart disease and asthma.
  • Respiratory Infections: Bacterial or viral infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, can cause coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing in cats. Diagnostic tests may include blood work, X-rays, or bacterial cultures to identify the infectious agent.
  • Allergic Bronchitis: Similar to asthma, allergic bronchitis is an inflammatory condition of the airways caused by allergens. It shares many clinical signs with asthma, but the underlying mechanisms and specific diagnostic criteria may differ. Allergy testing or response to treatment may help differentiate between the two.
  • Bronchial or Lung Tumors: Tumors in the bronchi or lungs can cause respiratory symptoms that mimic asthma. X-rays, CT scans, or biopsies may be needed to identify and differentiate tumors from asthma.
  • Parasitic Infections: Certain parasites, such as lungworms, can infest the respiratory system of cats and cause coughing, wheezing, and respiratory distress. Fecal tests or other diagnostic procedures may be necessary to identify the presence of parasites.
  • Foreign Body Obstruction: Inhalation or ingestion of a foreign object can obstruct the airways and cause symptoms similar to asthma. Radiographic evaluation or endoscopy may be required to identify and remove the foreign body.
  • Chronic Bronchitis: Chronic bronchitis is a long-term airway inflammation that can cause coughing and breathing difficulties in cats. It may have similar symptoms to asthma, but the underlying causes and response to treatment can differ.

Treatment of Feline Asthma

The treatment of feline asthma aims to manage the condition, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms to improve the cat’s respiratory health and overall quality of life. The treatment approach may involve a combination of medications, environmental modifications, and ongoing monitoring. Here are the typical components of feline asthma treatment:


  • Bronchodilators: These medications help to relax and open the airways, making breathing easier. They are typically administered through inhalers or nebulizers. Common bronchodilators used in cats include beta-agonists (e.g., albuterol) and anticholinergics (e.g., ipratropium bromide).
  • Corticosteroids: These anti-inflammatory medications help to reduce airway inflammation and control asthma symptoms. Corticosteroids may be given orally, via inhalers, or as injections. Commonly used corticosteroids include prednisolone, fluticasone, or budesonide.
  • Other medications: In some cases, additional medications such as leukotriene modifiers or immunomodulators may be prescribed to manage inflammation and symptoms further.

Environmental Modifications:

  • Allergen Control: Minimize exposure to known allergens or triggers that can worsen asthma symptoms. This can include reducing dust and environmental irritants, using air purifiers, and keeping the living environment clean and free from potential allergens.
  • Smoking Cessation: If you smoke, quitting or avoiding smoking around the cat is crucial. Cigarette smoke can severely aggravate feline asthma symptoms.

Monitoring and follow-up:

  • Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Schedule regular visits to monitor your cat’s respiratory health and adjust the treatment plan. Your veterinarian will assess the response to medication, evaluate any side effects, and make necessary modifications to the treatment regimen.
  • Monitoring symptoms: Keep track of your cat’s symptoms, including coughing frequency, breathing difficulties, and overall activity level. This information will help the veterinarian evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and make necessary adjustments.

Prevention and Control of Cat Asthma

While feline asthma cannot be prevented entirely, there are measures you can take to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks and improve your cat’s respiratory health. Here are some prevention and control strategies for cat asthma:

Minimize exposure to allergens and irritants:

  • Keep the living environment clean and free from dust, mold, and other allergens. Regularly vacuum, dust, and clean the house, paying particular attention to areas where allergens may accumulate.
  • Use air purifiers or filters to reduce airborne allergens and pollutants.
  • Avoid smoking or exposing your cat to secondhand smoke, as it can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Environmental management:

  • Use unscented and low-irritant cleaning products, as solid odors and chemicals can trigger asthma attacks.
  • Reduce the household’s use of aerosol sprays, perfumes, and other potential respiratory irritants.
  • Provide a clean and well-ventilated living environment for your cat.

Allergen testing and avoidance:

  • Consider allergy testing to identify specific allergens that may trigger your cat’s asthma. This can help in implementing targeted avoidance strategies.
  • If specific allergens are identified, minimize your cat’s exposure to them. For example, if your cat is allergic to pollen, keep them indoors during high pollen seasons.

Weight management:

  • Maintain a healthy weight for your cat through a balanced diet and regular exercise. Obesity can worsen asthma symptoms, so preventing or managing excess weight is essential.

Veterinary care and medication:

  • Regularly visit your veterinarian for check-ups and monitoring of your cat’s respiratory health. Follow their prescribed treatment plan and medication schedule.
  • Administer medications as directed, whether bronchodilators, corticosteroids, or other prescribed medications. Work with your veterinarian to ensure proper technique for administering inhaled medications, such as inhalers or nebulizers.

Reduce stress:

  • Minimize stressful situations for your cat, as stress can trigger or exacerbate asthma symptoms. Provide a calm and predictable environment for your cat, with plenty of opportunities for relaxation and mental stimulation.

Final Advice on Feline Asthma

Cat asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that can significantly impact a cat’s quality of life. It is essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of feline asthma and seek veterinary care for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

With the right management approach, which may include medication, environmental modifications, and regular veterinary monitoring, cats with asthma can experience relief from symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. Understanding and minimizing exposure to triggers, providing a clean and low-allergen environment, and ensuring compliance with prescribed medications are crucial to managing feline asthma effectively.

If you have concerns about your cat’s respiratory health or suspect they may have asthma, and it is always recommended to consult a veterinarian. They will be able to guide you through the diagnostic process, develop a tailored treatment plan, and provide ongoing support for your cat’s respiratory well-being.

By being proactive, attentive, and working closely with your veterinarian, you can provide the best care and support for your cat with asthma, helping them live a comfortable and happy life.

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