HomeCatCystitis in Cats: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Cystitis in Cats: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Cystitis in cats is the simple term for the inflammation of the urinary bladder. Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) or cystitis has no specific causes. The Feline lower urinary tract Disease (FLUTD) is manifested by difficult urination in cats. In some cases, FLUTD, cystitis, urinary tract infection, bladder stones, and crystals are discussed simultaneously. 

Causes of Cystitis in Cats

There is no specific cause of cystitis in cats. The probable causes of FIC are as follows:

  • Bladder stones.
  • Bacterial infection in the urinary bladder.
  • External trauma.
  • Anatomical abnormalities like uterine stricture.
  • Nervous disorders that affect the branches of nerves of the bladder and urination.
  • Neoplastic growth at urinary bladder or urethra.
  • Urethral plaques that cause blockage of urination.

Cystitis in Cats

Risk Factors of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis

The risk factors of the disease are as follows:

  • Feed more protein content diet.
  • Male cats are more prone to urethral blockage.
  • Low water consumption.
  • Obesity of cats.

Clinical Signs of Cystitis in cats

The general clinical signs and symptoms of FLUID are as follows:

  • Increased frequency of urination is called polyurea.
  • Difficulty in urination is called dysuria. The affected cat spends a more prolonged urinating in the litter box and passing a small quantity of urine. Sometimes you may be confused with constipation in cats.
  • Sometimes blood present in urine is called hematuria.
  • Changed urination behavior and urinated in unusual places.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Excessive grooming or licking at genital region due to irritation.
  • Complete blockage of urinary tract and cessation of urination. The cat will strain to urinate, but no urine will come out.
  • Pain in the abdomen.

Diagnosis of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis

The methods of diagnosis of FIC are as follows:

  • Risk factors identification.
  • Specific clinical signs.
  • Urine analysis for concentration, blood or hemoglobin presence, pH, and biochemical analysis.
  • Bacterial culture of urine to identify the causative bacteria.
  • Blood analysis of affected cats to identify the diseases in the kidney. 
  • Radiographic examination (X-ray) of the urinary system.
  • Ultrasonographic examination of the lower abdomen.

Treatment of Cystitis in Cats

Cystitis is a curable disease after adequate and timely treatment. The curative treatment depends on the causes of the disease. The treatment strategies for the disease are as follows:

  •  A broad-spectrum antibiotic to treat bacterial infection.
  • To remove the blockage, you can give a short-acting anesthetic. You can flush the urethra with the catheter. 
  • If the cause of the condition is urolithiasis, you must remove the stone by surgical operations.
  • The treatment for cystitis is different for different cats and based on the causes of the disease. 

Prevention of Feline Lower Urinarinary Tract Diseases

The preventive measures you can adopt your lovely cat are as follows:

  • Reduce the risk factors in cats.
  • Make your cat physically active and arrange exercise daily.
  • Give a proper, nutritionally balanced diet.
  • Encourage your cats to drink more water.
  • Provide clean water and a water bowl.
  • Maintain a regular and balanced feeding schedule for your cat.
  • Provide toy items, condos, and plastic chewing items for your cats.
  • Never allow foreign cats at your home.

Final Talk on Cystitis in Cats

Cystitis is a common disease in cats. The disease may occur again after being given the necessary treatment and care. You must observe the reoccurrence of the clinical signs in your cat. You must follow the preventive tips for your house cats. I appreciate your patience in reading. I think this article will help to keep your lovely cat healthy. 

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