The Hanoverian horse is one of the most versatile warmblooded horses that originated in Germany. The horse is elegant and noble, well-proportionate body, flaxen mane, tail, and well suited in Olympic games. The Military is widely used for the parade, pleasure riding, and earlier as a warhorse. The horse successfully participates in many equestrian sports and competitions, including dressage, English riding, and equestrian athletics.
Important Information on Hanoverian Horse
The Hanoverian or hannoveraner horse achieved many international records in the Olympic Games in Equestrian events. The horse is well known for its beauty, temperament, intelligence, and grace. The horse was developed from Thoroughbred and local mares of Lower Saxon province of Germany for the carriage of Cavalary. In my article, I shall discuss the most prominent features of the horse breed. You will get almost all possible information about the horse in one article.
1. Origin and History
The horse has originated in the Lowe Saxon Provine of Germany more than 400 years ago. The King of England George-II founded the State Stud at Celle with the Elector of Hanover of Lower Saxon Province in 1735. This stud aimed to develop a horse for agricultural works and at the same time for cavalry mounts and harness racing. The local mares were bred with Thoroughbred, Cleveland Bay, Andalusian, Holsteiner, Mecklenburg, Neapolitan, and Prussian horse breeds. In the 18th century, Hanoverian became one of the best coach horses in Europe.
In the year of 1844, the Hanoverian stallion was allowed to breed as an individual breed. In the year of 1867, the Hanoverian horse society was established to produce military and coach horses. During WW I, the demand for horses increased for carriage purposes. After WW II, Hanoverian horses’ demand increased in games and sports, pleasure riding, and equestrian events. At present, the horse is one of the most popular coach and military horses throughout the world.
2. Physical Characteristics
Hanoverian is a robust, healthy, and elegant horse breed. They have a strong and muscular neck, powerful limbs, stout body, gentle behavior, athletic movement, and easily trainable. The is noble with expressive eyes; the neck is strong, shoulders are slopping, croup is broad and slightly sloping, the hock is well developed, hooves are healthy and well-shaped.
3. Height and Weight
Hanoverian is a hardy and medium-sized horse. The height of the horse ranges from 15.5 to 17.2 hands(62 to 70 inches). The average height of the horse at wither is 16.2 hands (65 inches). The average body weight of the horse is 600-700 kg (1300-1500 pounds).
4. Color and Markings
Color and markings are the easiest ways to identify a horse. The most common colors of Hanoverian are chestnut, black bay, and grey. The registration authority prohibited or did not accept too many white, buckskin, palomino, or cremello colors in the coat. White marlins on the face, forehead, and legs are accepted like a star, blaze, and white coronet.
5. Behavior and Temperament
The horse is intelligent, gentle, and well behaved. You can train the horse efficiently. They are accepting the training of any discipline. The horse is disciplined, calm, docile, and willing to work. The horse is so good that they can pull the carriage without any disturbance. The horse can be used for riding kids and beginners.
6. Care and Management
The horse remains clean and glossy by daily grooming and care. The horse needs regular grooming, weekly bathing, and periodically clipping of the mane and tail. You must set the stable on high ground with adequate natural lights and ventilation. It would be best if you cleaned the horse stable and its premises regularly with disinfectants. Protection from flies and insects should be given emphasis. You must follow a schedule of daily, weekly, and monthly management practices.
7. Diet and Nutrition
The usual feed of horses is maize/corn, barley, gram, wheat bran, and other available grains. You must provide a sufficient amount of fodder like green grass and hay. The horse likes to enjoy pasture. You can provide a horse supplement consulting with your vet, which is required for the horse. Your horse must have free access to pure drinking water. You can prepare a feeding schedule by consulting with your equine nutritionist.
8. Health Issues of Hanoverian Horse
The hannoveraner horse is generally healthy and less susceptible to equine diseases. The horse is heavy, and bones are healthy. The horse may be affected by Ostreocondrosis dissecans (OCD) in their joints. The horse breed is typically affected by Wobbler disease, osteoarthrosis, and navicular syndrome. You must check the health of your horse by an expert equine vet at least every three months.
9. Registration and Distribution
The first studbook for the Hanoverian horse was established in 1888 by the Royal Agricultural Society. This studbook aimed to maintain the pedigree, breeding and ensuring the foals. In 1922, the Hanoverian Warmblood Horse Society was founded for the privatizing of horse ownership. At present, the society is known as Hnnoveraner Verband or Hanoverian Society.
The horse society made the horse breed popular throughout the world. The horse is distributed in the United States of America, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Asia, and many European countries. Individual Hanoverian horse society formed in America, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Finland, Ireland, and Russia.
10.Selection Criteria of Hanoverian Horse
The Hanoverian horses have some distinct selection criteria, like the stallion must have musculin bearing and mares must-have feminine bearing expressions. The standard selection criteria are:
- Conformation:
- The body must be rectangular from the chest to the buttock, not square.
- All body parts are harmoniously integrated with the frame.
- The head is noble with expressive eyes, and the neck is strong and muscular, the shoulder is slopping, the angle between the scapula and humorous is large and open.
- The croup is slightly sloping. The hock must be well-defined, broad, and straightforward.
- The hooves are well-shaped, sound, and firm.
- Gait: The gait of the horse must be observed from front and rear. It should be straight, and absence of winning, paddling and crossing over.
- Elasticity and Impulsion: The gait and general movement of the horse must be significant, yet springy, and light. The impulsion must emanate from the hindquarter with a back swinging during a walk.
- Walk: The walk must be relaxing, regular, and ground covering. The footfall must follow a sequence, correct, and not having lateral or pacing.
- Overall Observation: The horse is medium-sized, neither small nor so big. The height is proportionate with the body conditions. The development of the horse is commensurate with age.
11. Versatile Uses of Hanoverian Horse
Hanoverian is a versatile horse breed and used for many purposes and disciplines. The most common uses of the horse are:
- The horse is a famous coach horse and was initially developed as a carriage horse.
- The horse is widely used in the Military as a warhorse, parade, pleasure riding, cavalry horses, and eventing.
- The horse is a famous jumper in the Olympic games and wins many events with distinguished records.
- The horse is a famous hunter horse in the USA, and the United States Hunter Federation (USEF) yearly published the ranking of horses.
- Hanoverian horses are most successful in international dressage competitions.
- The horse is one of the top five horses in the International showjumping competitions.
- World Breeding Federation for Sports Horses (WBFSH) ranked Hanoverian horses as the third for eventing.
Final Talk on The Hanoverian Horse
The horse is one of the most versatile and popular horse breeds in the world. The horse earned many records and in equestrian sports. Hanoverians are famous for the Olympic events. The horses are generally healthy and beautiful. You can choose the horse for your passion, glory, pride, and collection. In my article, I have discussed almost all possible information briefly. I think you will be benefitted from this article.